Batch Apex is usually used to build complex, long-running processes that run on thousands of records(large data volume till 50 million records), at any specific time. Go through to get concrete understanding.
Salesforce has an annotation @future that we can use defining a method making its execution as asynchronous. For concrete understanding read further.
This is an effort by the Softvowels team to compile a set of basic first-level Salesforce interview questions. These questions will aid interviewees in thorough preparation and provide interviewers with a quick reference for sample questions.
Making any callout after a DML statement throws CalloutException. In Sprint ’24, Salesforce introduced a new Database.releaseSavepoint method to resolve this explicitly releasing savepoints before making a callout.
Salesforce's Spring '24 release introduces the null coalescing operator (??) to Apex code, simplifying the handling of null values. This operator condenses conditional checks and default values, enhances readability, and facilitates the safe and concise assignment of default values.